Friday, March 10, 2006

Even Toads like the water....

This rather large toad was enjoying his whirlpool bath at the edge of a fish pond waterfall. This is part of the reason I put so much time and energy in creating different wildlife habitats. Water plays such an important role in the habitats for the crtters, so consider adding a water feature to your yard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Barb, I'd love to hear more about the different habitats you've created around your yard. Our pond is a glorious wonder to me in terms of all the creatures living in and around it, and passing through it. We had otter and beaver last year (which didn't do very much damage for some reason), bullfrogs of course, birds of various kinds nesting there, including the geese couple that returns every spring, and a hawk that had built its nest nearby, a snapping turtle, many varieties of fish, and the wildflowers and apple blossoms attract butterflies throughout the spring, summer and fall. If there's anything else you can think of that we might be able to attract by introducing a new element, please do tell! :)

9:17 PM  
Blogger Barb said...

Hi Judith, thank you for taking the time to leave some comments. Sounds like you already have a good idea on the elements needed. Wildlife habitat's key elements are food, shelter and water. My next step is in observing wildlife and learning what they like and trying to recreate as natural a habitat as I can. A simple flat rock with 3 or 4 rounded rocks to hold it up a few inches off the ground, placed near a pond's edge becomes a natural looking "toad house" and they will gladly help keep the 'skeeters at bay. Keeping the landscape more natural, less manicured, never using toxic chemicals are my first suggestions to folks. Even in city environments, one can have a lovely wildlife habitat, and perhaps there it's even more important. Your pond sounds wonderful. When we had the first pond dug, literally over night it spawned aquatic life starting with water beetles, newts, etc. Now I'm really missing the spring peeper's song that will soon be calling from dusk till dawn, and then the toads, various other frogs and finally summer's king of the pond, the bull frog :)

4:10 AM  

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